Back in Seattle

Our last few nights in Mexico were great.  Saturday night Marcos and I went to the Lovely Bones and then off to find the bar that had swings for seats.  We walked all the way down 5th avenue but couldn't find it.  So then we walked all the way back, and still couldn't find it.  We were about to give up and just go home, but it was really bugging us as we had seen it all month.  Did the bar just disappear?   So then we walked up and down the streets by 5th avenue.  We asked directions 4 different times and got 4 very different answers.  Two hours later, we finally found it on 5th toward the end... geez!!!  How did we miss it?!

Marcos and I on our swings
The name of the bar.
Margarita and Pina Colada! mmmmmm

Our last night in Playa, Marcos and I went out to dinner.  Nothing fancy, just some good Mexican food.  Our last day we spent playing volleyball with some local Mexicans on the beach.  It was the first day we saw Playa with no clouds, go figure, the day before we leave!! 
I bought a piece of art on 5th avenue.  I had been admiring this guys work the entire month and finally caved in.  He does it with air through straws.  His work just amazed me.  I bought this specific one was because it has the city in the horizon and then a tree/nature on the left.  My life in a way, as I live in Seattle and Alaska... city versus the outdoors.
You can see a man sitting by the tree with a small pit fire.
Overall the trip was a awesome!!  We all left on Monday, but poor Marcos missed his connection in Philly and had to leave 24 hours later.  Poor guy is still in the air on his way to Spain as I type this.  He won't even get to Cadiz until Thursday!!  
Next trip is research for the book.  I leave on Monday!!  It feels good to be back home!  It will be a busy month for me for sure!


Alisa said…
Love the swings...what a great idea! And that's a neat photo...I love street artists, they're so amazing!
Ethan Freeman said…
Nice blog thanks for poosting

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