Boxes, Boxes and more boxes!

As most of you know, I am back in Skagway, AK and working hard.  I haven't blogged in so long and recently my friend Marcos in Spain mentioned that he misses my blog updates.... "why aren't you BLOGGING?!" and  then I remembered I actually have a blog and need to get on it!
The ferry ride up to Skagway was great!!  Drew O'Kane and Terry came with me for the ride.  Drew is funny funny funny... always making jokes.  Terry and Drew are opening a kettle corn business in Ketchikan this summer called Pops Kettle Corn!  Drew also owns his own landscaping business, and is into film making.  You can Google his name and find some of his independent films he has made.  

Drew and Terry on the ferry!
The weather couldn't have been better!!  Blue skies all the way up!

The first week I was back, it was a little slow with shipments, but this week it's a bit crazy!!  Boxes and boxes every where.  We got so much stuff this week and are getting tons next week!! If you know me well, you know I tend to stress unless things are getting done and are super organized, so just imagine how I feel everyday when I walk into work and see this!!

This was sitting outside waiting to be brought in!
Sarah, Brittney and Katie pricing the merchandise!
Look how happy she is carrying boxes!!  SMC has happy employees! :)

Luckily I have the best staff EVER and things are being priced and put away super speedy!!  I have five working employees right now.  I just put up the Now Hiring signs today as we need at least 3 more.  Two more are coming in May and I also have two part timers on hand!  Here are a few pics of my crew right now.... this was after we brought in those pallets in the picture above!

Me, Will, Brittney, Katie, Jared & Sarah
Skagway Family :)
We are so tough!
So silly!!

They have been working ten hour days without complaint.  They are such a good crew.  They laugh all day with each other and have the best attitudes, even when we have to carry 50 plus boxes up the stairs!
First ship day is May 5th.  I buy a lot from a certain company that informed me a week ago that the merchandise would be arriving late.  GULP!  This company is supplying us with two coupon items... yep, two coupons arriving the week we open!!! SUPER GASP!  9th season, and nothing has changed... a major vendor seems to be late every year and somehow, miraculously, we always seem to get it all together on time!  Fingers crossed we will get the two items before opening day!

I miss you all TONS!!  My first trip out will be at the end of May to Seattle for some appointments... and most importantly for GHGH Game night with all the volunteers organizing this years event!!!  xo


Alisa said…
Ooh--receiving shipments...pricing...displaying...such FUN!!! WOHOOO!!! But suddenly, it will all come together, and then you'll have a hopping store (WITH your coupon items arriving on time, right?!!), and you'll be flying through the season in the blink of an eye!!

Hope the samples made it...and that you're enjoying them personally. I tried to pick something you'd want to wear...but I really didn't know :-)

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