Friday night Carnaval in Cadiz

I have never compared myself to a cat, but that is exactly what I have felt like all week.  I take naps everyday, lasting from a half hour to 4 hours.  Today was a four hour nap, mainly because I knew that I would have to stay up late for tonight's festivities, which consist of sitting in front the TV and watching the Carnaval groups perform on stage.  We started watching at 11pm and it's now 2:30 am.  It lasts until about 6 am.  If you open the windows of Marcos's home, you can hear the same program blaring from everyone's windows.  No one is out on the streets, as the party is inside in front of the tube.  There are about 20 groups in the final performance (tonight) and they are ranked in four categories.

  • CorosThese groups are the largest groups of singers (up to 45 people, basically a choir) may be funny at times or serious at others.
  • ChirigotasThese are humorous groups, maximum 12 people, that perform satirical pieces about everything from politics to current events.
  • Cuartetos - stands for Quartets, though they don’t have to stick to the traditional four.  Most often accompanied by none other than a kazoo and the beating of sticks.
  • ComparsasThese are the most serious singers at the festival. They are known for their more classic musical talents and the more serious content of their songs.
I am not understanding any of the performances, and as entertaining as they are, I took a cat nap instead.  It's true, meow.

A coro from a previous Carnaval in Cadiz.

I am going to need as much a sleep as possible, as tomorrow the outdoor festivities begin.  Starting tomorrow at 10 am until 4 or 5 or 6 am ... depending, starting back up at 2pm on Sunday until super late and onto Monday!  I'll blog as much as possible with lots of pictures!


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