AB Hike

I hiked AB Mountain today.  The weather was nice, I wanted to get outside, so why not AB?  The way up was nice until it got to the straight up part.  Man that's tough, but I conquered it!  I brought my journal to have some nice writing time up at the top, but no such luck.  The bugs were relentless.  If I stayed still for more than 5 seconds I was being bitten on every part of my body.  So I got to "my summit" and headed back.  On the way down, I picked a bowl full of blueberries!  YUM!!  

A tree on the hike that appeared to be alive.  I found many trees that seemed to be telling stories.  Trees hugging trees.  Trees growing out of other trees.  Have you ever been to the Trees of Mystery in California on highway 101?  There were many similar trees today on my hike that resembled some of those at that park.  Trees trees trees.

Glacier view

Skagway view!
WOW!!  What a surprise... i wonder who it was...it made me want to try!


Alisa said…
Great photos, and congrats on the hike. I never made it up-and I regret it so much! One of these days...I'll be back to hike it!

That's awesome about the author finding the blog!

The season is almost done! Wahoooooo! Can't wait to see your next chapter in life! We will be going to Mexico in Jan, and we may just STAY! You'll have to visit!

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