Meeting Your Half Orange

I am currently reading "Meeting Your Half Orange" by Amy Spencer and I just have to say that it is the ultimate bible for single woman in this world.

half-orange (haf or’inj) n., translation of the Spanish phrase mi media naranja, which means “my half-orange”; use to describe, in love, one’s sweetheart, one’s beautifully perfect other half.

Not only has this book been eye opening, but it has really turned me upside down and shaken me!  "HELLO NICHOLLE!", shake shake shake!!  I am picturing myself upside down right now with stuff falling out of my pockets, such as: low self esteem, "why doesn't he like me?" kind of questions, self-doubt, pessimism.  This book has changed and/or made me more perceptive of my attitude, actions and overall lookout on life.  I mean, literally, I feel like every chapter I have read so far has been written just for me.... as if Amy Spencer has been watching my every move, not just with relationships, but with every life decision, and said "Ok Nicholle, this one's for you, pay attention!".

If you have a friend, sister, cousin, any girl who is single and looking for her half orange, her soul mate, her love of her life......... then please, please buy her this book.  I have also heard married woman have read this book and even gained from Amy's words. It doesn't just pertain to relationships, but career changes, getting what you want, and knowing you'll get it cause you deserve it!

Some quotes from the book (all by Amy Spencer) that I loved:
"It's not your job to figure out how you're going to bring your dream relationship to you.   It's your job to want it!"  Amy Spencer
This quote reminds me of the quote I have on the end of my email:  "Life is to be felt, not just figured out."

"Our thoughts are not merely reactions to events, they change what ensues." 

"If you don't believe it can happen, then you're holding yourself back from letting it happen!"

"Your thoughts change your body language and energy, and your body language and your energy can change your life."

"You attract what you think about, focus on, and feel!"

"Become the happy woman NOW who you want to be in your happy relationship LATER."

"Dress from the inside out."

"Anything that's really worth doing in life makes you want to throw up before doing it." (She's talking about nervous energy, the butterflies, the excitement, etc...)

"I believe the happier I am, the more likely he'll come along.  And the more authentically me I am, the more I'll know for sure if he's right for me when I meet him."

"If you’re afraid of it…then it’s probably exactly what you need to do." 

"If you’re not laughing with your partner straight from the heart, something big is missing and it’s time to move on. Go for the gut-busters!"
—Amy Spencer

I could keep typing and typing her words.... she is an inspiration!  I'm going to read the book again!!


Alisa said…
Sounds like a great book! I also LOVED you photo of the Devil's Club inyour last post....awesome!

It was great to talk to you the other day (or was it the other week?? Life sometimes passes too quickly!)!

Best of luck with your store waterfall fun! BTW...we will be in Mexico for at least Jan & Feb this're always welcome to visit! We just landed a really big Hawaii sales rep maybe we'll be able to move there sooner than we thought!
Amy Spencer said…

I just saw this post of yours (my Google pulled it up) and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I'm thrilled that you picked the book up and that it's resonating with you in some way. Of course I had to read a bunch of your posts (the "Heard on the Wind" stuff is hilarious) but I also love your announcement that you'll be doing something different with your life soon. I can't wait to see if it's work, life, home and/or love. Let's hope all of it! Obviously you'll still have ups and downs along the road (we all do), but I'm glad you're gaining the tools to view it all through in the most positive way.

Best of luck with everything, and here's to your half-orange...

Nicholle said…
Wow!! Thank you!! Your words have inspired and encouraged me so much! I am reading your book again, and currently working on my dream board. I need a few more magazines to go through, or time to look online and print some pics! I will most likely blog about it when I'm done!

My declaration to the world was a hard night. I went back and re read that blog entry and could feel my loneliness and frustration all over again.... BUT I am glad I wrote it and I am looking forward to my new future in a year round life! :)
Thank you Amy for writing that book and for your encouraging words! You are the best!

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