Lately I have been wanting to do artsy projects, call myself artsy, and hope people believe I really am... artsy. Pinteres t has been amazing, in that I can find fun and easy home projects, pin them to my craft board , and then attack them when I have a free day. Well today was 'do something creative with a map' day. I have always wanted a world map in my home, but I hate using thumb tacks, and who wants to have a poster continuously falling down because the sticky putty you are using is useless. (Ahem, Marcos, I'm talking to you.) And because I want a GIANT world map, buying a frame for it is out of the question, as they are too expensive. Luckily, I found this project by Creative Juices Decor on Deedra's pinterest board . Canvases and Mod Podge? I'm in. I bought a brand new, though antique looking, world map at Barnes and Nobles and went to work. Seven hours later, with a sore neck, glued fingers, a trip back to the book store for a replacement m...